Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Resolution? Probably not....

Happy New Year! I hope this finds everyone rejuvinated and happy after the holidays. I took some time off from the studio the past couple weeks to travel up to Ohio with Brian to visit family. Our parents live about 5 miles from each other (we grew up in the same town), so it's really easy to see everyone and actually spend quality time with them over the holidays. The highlight of our trip was getting to see our 6 year old niece perform in her school's little holiday production. Addie even had the last speaking line of the evening. We were thoroughly proud!

Our trip to Ohio consists of driving about 8 hours on big highways, small highways and back roads. We often see something interesting along the way. This year, along the AA highway (mostly just a 2 lane road through the through the countryside Kentucky- lots of farms) we encountered a cattle farm with a funny sight: someone must have just called all the cows for a meal because they were all lining up in front of a barn, waiting their turn (seemingly patiently) to go in for their dinner. It was so odd to see them all slowly sauntering over to the line, not even really bumping into each other. We forgot our camera at home, so I was bummed to not have a picture to share because the words aren't as captivating as the image was.

Even though I was taking a break from pots these past weeks, doesn't mean I wasn't thinking about them. My grandma has a great china cabinet full of old serving pieces from her family. I always enjoy spending time with her exploring all the china with her, while hearing some stories of their history. Once again, I was sad that I didn't have my camera with me!

I also got some good books for the studio as gifts:

This was one of them, a used library book of Chinese Ceramics. I also got an awesome picture book called "Food Mania," which contains images of food presentation, preparation, produce picking, you name it. One of my favorite potters, Kari Radasch, had it listed on her website as an inspiration.

While it's the time of the year for resolutions, I'm not one who usually works that way, but I am often inspired by others. I just read Ron's blog entry that he had logged 285 blog entries! My hope is that this year I will take time to post more often. I enjoy reading others' blogs, and comments, and I enjoy the feedback that I get from others. So thanks for reading and responding!


Ron said...

Off to a good start on this years posting! See you tomorrow.

Becky said...

Happy New Year, Amy! My sister loved the bowl I made in your class (Christmas present). Thanks for showing me another side of clay!