Saturday, September 13, 2008

Pots to be glazed

Since the Circle sale coming up quickly (next Saturday), I've been trying to capture every moment that Guthrie's napping by glazing in the studio. It's felt more and more ok to be out there with the monitor, and I can get inside quickly if I need to. Things are chugging along slowly, but I have already fired one full kiln load, and think I'll have another ready by this evening or tomorrow. That leaves only one more bisque and one more glaze. Hmmmm, that's 4 days worth of firings and 7 days until the sale so it should work...(hopefully I didn't just jinx myself!)


Ron said...

looking good

Jen Mecca said...

Holy Smokes Batman...look at all that stuff!!! I'm so behind and I don't even have a 4 month old to blame it on! Jen

Blaine M. Avery said...

no way he can be 4 months old already! what happened?!!! hope you guys have a great sale!

amy said...

No, Guthrie's actually not yet 3 months (although 2 different people last week thought he was 8 months!). I had a great first firing and am looking forward to unloading again tomorrow!

jbf said...

Wow. You are back with a mission. Congrats. I hope the firing schedule works out.

Mama V said...

So how did the sale go today??