Monday, September 10, 2007

Hooray clay: teaching at Arrowmont

I had a busy, but great summer this year. One of the best weeks for me was spent at Arrowmont School for Crafts in Gatlinburg, TN teaching a kid's camp class. My students ranged in ages: from kindergarten to third grade, and were super cute. We had a great time making birdhouses, mugs, fishy shakers and masks.

An unexpected plus to the week was spending time with my friend Virginia McKinney. She's an amazing sculptor who works with clay and metal. She had the foresight to have her daughter Loo (we became instant friends!) come teach another class during the same time so we could all hang out together. I'm not sure why we're all smiling so much here, I was about to leave! It was a great time.

1 comment:

Ron said...

That looks like a fun bunch of kids Amy. I bet you had your hands full. See ya Friday.