Wednesday, September 8, 2010

6th Annual Potters Market Invitational

This Saturday from 10-4:00, the Delhom Society of the Mint Museum of Art will be hosting their Potters Market of over 40 potters from all over North Carolina. I am honored and excited to be part of this amazing event as one of the presenting potters!

For the past few months I have been working like crazy (once my two little boys are in bed) to produce work- I'll have many everyday functional items from cups, mugs, bowls and serving pieces, as well as some specialty pieces for presentation and serving such as sculptural bowls, teapots, jars, etc.

Bisqueware backup from a couple of weeks ago (thanks to mom, Carrie, Erin and especially Brian for all the help!):
My teapots got a fresh look with some new handles that seem to "fit" the form much more nicely than my old ones.
Closeup of a large rectangular serving bowl form:
New jars with a snazzy knob:
New sugar and creamers waiting for the remainder of their glaze:

One of the days I had a very special helper in the studio. Guthrie was quite focused during his "glazing" session. Check out that lip!
"All done!"
Please stop by and see me this Saturday at the Mint!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Surprise and inspiration

Yesterday a fun surprise came in the mail: an envelope containing a book from the American Ceramic Society. At first I thought, "Uh oh. Did I unknowingly order something while sleep-surfing on the internet after some late night feeding?" (heck-I have been known to be a mess at times- case in point: the other day I got Guthrie out of bed after a nap only to discover that I had left his shoes on. Oops.) Anyway, it turns out that I received this complimentary copy because they had used the article of mine from a prior "Pottery Making Illustrated" in the book. My lesson on creating a quilted wall piece is one of the chapters amongst some other great projects. You can check out the book here.

I am a bit of a thrift store junkie and often come across some real gems on the cheap. Value Village is one of my local favorites (although I think it's a chain, you may have this treasure chest somewhere near you too!) and never fails to provide some of the best finds; yesterday's trip there with the boys was no exception. I always have my eye out for handmade items and found this beautiful crocheted blanket for $1.50!!! It fit perfectly on our mission-style chair, that was originally my grandparents, and created an easy instant "reupholstering" job. This blanket is also a perfect example of what inspires me to create what I do with clay. The repetition of the flowers, the actual and implied texture, and the colors mirror what I often like to accomplish in my work. I only wish I could let the maker of this lovely blanket know that it now has a much appreciated home!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Upcoming shows and events

I'm excited to have some work in a couple of shows that are opening this Friday. At Pottery 101 in Salisbury, NC, you'll find an exhibition featuring the work of Ron Philbeck, Jen Mecca, Julie Wiggins, and me. We'll be heading up there for the opening (sans the kiddos); it should be a good time. Come by and visit if you can!

In Durham, at Claymakers Studio and Gallery, you'll discover "Folded, Fitted, Printed and Pinched"- a show of handbuilt pots by Laura Avery, Liz Zlot Summerfield, Susan Feagan, Shawn Ireland, Barbara McKenzie and yours truly. It will run from May 21-July 10. Stop by and check it out- they also have a great studio there at Claymakers, with a wide variety of classes and workshops.

While I've been back to teaching at Clayworks, I've been excited to start "filling" my calendar this summer and fall with some workshop (more details to follow once they get completely confirmed). The soonest one is a two part project-based workshop, "Not your granny's fine china," at the Women Centered Art Co-op here in Charlotte. We'll be making a serving tray over the course of two separate classes: June 6th and June 27th from 1-3. You can read more about it and register here. (please forgive the bad picture of only bisqued pots)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Back in the saddle?

Since giving birth to sweet Sammy, I've been catching little bits of time in the studio (when the stars align and both boys are napping at the same time) making work for several exhibitions. Currently, there are 6 pieces of mine in the "Constructed" show at MudFire Clayworks and Gallery in Decatur, GA. You can check out the entire show on video here.

The following are the pieces that are in the show (thanks, Ron, for being my photographer!). I am so honored to have pieces amongst others created by such great potters!

I'll have updates soon of upcoming events. I have been enjoying my time lately hanging out with my two boys while on "maternity leave."

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Samuel Douglas Sanders!!! Little Sammy said hello to the world and joined our family on Sunday, January 10th at 7:49. We are so thrilled to have another sweet little guy in our lives!

Guthrie has proven to be a really great big brother already and has taken all the changes and newness in stride (we're really proud of him).

Obviously this puts a slight cramp into being productive in the studio, but I'm happy to be blessed with time at home loving on my two boys. I'll return on a limited basis in the spring, and have some exciting events coming up to prepare for.

I hope everyone's having a great year so far- I certainly am!