Friday, April 4, 2014

Fresh out of the kiln!

The kiln fired off yesterday evening, so this morning I was able to unload it and discover these fellas. I have to say that ever since I (relatively) recently switched over to low-fire using red earthenware and terra sigillata, opening the kiln has never been more fun. The vibrancy of the colors and the softness of the surface are just so darn pleasing!

I've been obsessed with these little farm scenes and chickens lately (why exactly will have to be revealed in another post!), but am still resolving the color a bit. A friend pointed out that the blue doesn't reveal the image enough, so the next round may have the yellow and blue swapped. We'll see- new work always requires multiple generations to figure it out. Or at least get a little bit closer to a resolution!
These pieces and others like them will be available at our upcoming Thrown Together sale, held at our house on April 26th (10-4) and 27th (12-4). Our guests this year are two of my favorite potters: Shoko Teruyama and Matt Kelleher! Of course the members of Thrown Together (Jen Mecca, Ron Philbeck, Julie Wiggins, and Michael Hamiln-Smith) will be there with some sweet pots too!


gayacac said...

awesome colors and texture!

Unknown said...

I live in Anderson SC. Between Clemson and Greenville. Do you have any places close that you sell your work?

Anonymous said...

Hey Candice- Amy here. Hmmmm...I don't have any galleries in that area, but hope to expand my gallery offerings in the coming year (now that my little guy will be in kindergarten next fall). What are some nice spots near you?

John said...

Your pottery looks nice. I like the colors.

Anonymous said...

Lovely outcome of kiln.Love to see more from your side.The color pattern used are fabulous.Have a look at,for pottery,decorative and gifting items.

Imitation Jewelry said...

Bracelet is so beautiful and can hardly wait to make it. I am so excited, bracelet for women have waited so long for this tutorial to be able to add a button. I was just not sure of myself to do it alone. I love this beauty product.